Founded in 1860, Augustana College is a selective four-year residential college of the liberal arts and sciences. Augustana is recognized for the innovative program Augie Choice, which provides each student up to $2,000 to pursue a high-impact learning experience such as study abroad, an internship or research with a professor. Current students and alumni include 165 Academic All-Americans, two Nobel laureates, 13 college presidents and other distinguished leaders. The college enrolls 2,500 students and is located along one of the world’s most important waterways, the Mississippi River, in a community that reflects the diversity of the United States.
(see more)Founded in 1860, Augustana College is a selective four-year residential college of the liberal arts and sciences. Augustana is recognized for the innovative program Augie Choice, which provides each student up to $2,000 to pursue a high-impact learning experience such as study abroad, an internship or research with a professor. Current students and alumni include 165 Academic All-Americans, two Nobel laureates, 13 college presidents and other distinguished leaders. The college enrolls 2,500 students and is located along one of the world’s most important waterways, the Mississippi River, in a community that reflects the diversity of the United States.
Augustana College students present at Moline Public Library's Fossil Day

Augustana College students present 'Nine"

Augustana College 2023-2024 student government

19 Augustana students earn SCUBA certification

Augustana public health students host focus groups

Twelve Augustana students named ALIVE fellows

Senior Alexander Tosetti awarded Sikich Visionary Scholarship

Augustana student research assistants canvas neighborhoods for lead drinking water pipes survey

Vikings football players lend a hand to water line inventory project

Augustana's Brett Kuras interning in Communication and Marketing

Augustana College students research endangered species in the African bush

Augustana College's spring semester Dean's List

Augustana's Madeleine Lange nominated for 'More than I Imagined' series

Augustana's Abigail Larson nominated for 'More than I Imagined' series

Augustana's Ben Grafe nominated for 'More than I Imagined' series

Augustana's Hannah Weber nominated for 'More than I Imagined' series

Augustana's Gareth Kent nominated for 'More than I Imagined' series

Augustana's Nishal Weems nominated for 'More than I Imagined' series

Augustana's Maja Johnson nominated for 'More than I Imagined' series

Augustana's Titus Jilderda nominated for 'More than I Imagined' series

Augustana's Mary Clare Koebel nominated for 'More than I Imagined' series

Augustana's Maeve Sheridan nominated for 'More than I Imagined' series

Augustana's Kylie Jozwik nominated for 'More than I Imagined' series

Augustana's Peyton Heisch nominated for 'More than I Imagined' series

Augustana's Madelyn McGraw nominated for 'More than I Imagined' series

Augustana's Lindsey Edwards nominated for 'More than I Imagined' series

Augustana's Molly Fank nominated for 'More than I Imagined' series

Augustana students assisting with water service line inventory

Augustana students recognized by Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies program

Augustana's Niah Tyler interning in New Mexico